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State and Local Tax Blog

SALT Blog – State and Local Tax Blog

State and Local Tax ("SALT") blog issues require state and local tax knowledge. Chamberlain Hrdlicka's SALT Blog provides exactly that knowledge with news updates and commentary about state and local tax issues.

You can expect to find relevant information about topics such as income (corporate and personal) tax, franchise tax, sales and use tax, property (real and personal) tax, fuel tax, capital stock tax, bank tax, gross receipts tax and withholding tax. SALT Blog, offers tax talk for tax pros … in your neighborhood.

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Posts from October 2011.

by Stewart Weintraub and Jennifer Weidler

Each year the Pennsylvania State Tax Equalization Board ("STEB") calculates and publishes the common level ratio ("CLR") for each county in the state.  The Pennsylvania General County Assessment Law provides that there cannot be more than a 15% differential between the STEB CLR and the county's Established Predetermined Ratio ("EPR"). 72 P.S. § 5020-511(c).  For decades the STEB CLR for Philadelphia County fell slightly below, but within 15% of the county's EPR of 32%.  This year marked a drastic change for Philadelphia.  For tax year ...

Categories: Pennsylvania

 By Paul Masters

State DOR Letters and Policy Rulings

Illinois Department of Revenue has issued several rulings, including:

* explains how prescription drugs are taxed, and the Service Occupation Use Tax on tangible personal property transferred incident to sales of service;

* explains taxation of software maintenance agreements and the Service Occupation Tax;

* rules that a chemical manufacturer's containers used to ship fluid products to customers are not subject to sales or use tax because (i) the customers sell the products in the containers and provide the manufacturer ...

by Stewart Weintraub and Jennifer Weidler

As a means of increasing corporate tax collections, some states have turned to contingent-fee audit contractors – sometimes referred to as "bounty hunters."  These bounty hunter firms are compensated based upon a percentage of the amount of tax assessed, creating an incentive for the firms to not only aggressively audit taxpayers, but to stretch interpretations of the law to and beyond the limits.  Having an economic interest in the assessments resulting from the bounty hunter audits, creates an inherent conflict of interest.

Not ...

Categories: SALT Update

by Stewart Weintraub and Jennifer Weidler

The Washington Supreme Court is currently considering the legality of the state legislature's attempt to create a statutory amendment barring the granting of twenty-four (24) years of tax refund claims.  Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co., No. 39417-1-II (Wash. Ct. App. Dec. 21, 2010).  Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company ("Tesoro") is a manufacturer of bunker fuels.   Prior to 2009, Washington law permitted companies that manufacture and sell a qualifying fuel (e.g. bunker fuel) to deduct the amount derived from the sale of the fuel ...

Categories: SALT Update, Washington

State DOR Letters and Administrative Rulings

Illinois Office of Administrative Hearings respects the entity, and rules Department of Revenue cannot go after owner of corporation for use tax liability on vessel use in Illinois. Use tax is not a trust tax. It also rules that the foreign corporate owner of a vessel used in Illinois for 30 days/year has sufficient nexus to allow Illinois to impose use tax on value of vessel. Taxpayer allowed credit for tax paid outside the state. Correct tax base for assessment of use tax is the purchase price reduced by depreciation prior to first use in ...

State DOR Letters and Administrative Rulings

The Tennessee Department of Revenue rules that software configuration services are not subject to sales tax. The industrial equipment exemption does not apply as to sales tax in connection with the sale of compressed air with compressors on site. The assembly of leased equipment is subject to sales tax as services necessary to complete a sale.

In a shift, the Indiana Department of Revenue issues a statement that it will no longer impose sales tax on digital goods unless specific circumstances exist, citing the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax ...

 By Paul Masters

The Texas Office of the Attorney General and Allcat have filed their briefs for the argument challenging the constitutionality of the revised Texas Franchise Tax (aka, Margin Tax) under the Bullock Amendment. In a twist, the Texas Taxpayers and Research Association ("TTARA") filed an amicus letter that sides with Texas. TTARA is an organization representing major business entities in tax matters before the Texas legislature and the tax enforcement agencies. It had a significant role in connection with the development of the legislation creating the franchise ...

Categories: Franchise Tax

State DOR Letters and Administrative Rulings

The Indiana Department of Revenue provided guidance on what constitutes tangible personal property. That guidance includes the specific view that electricity is tangible personal property. It also discusses the taxation of intangibles in the state. It also ruled that medical devices are not exempt if there is not a prescription. So a sale of a medical device to a doctor or a hospital is not exempt as a device being prescribed. It may qualify for the sale for resale exemption, as the doctor resells the device to a patient, but the requirements ...